Thursday, February 19, 2009

PL Essay Due Date

I'm of two minds about the due date for the PL essay. 3/2 is listed on the syllabus. The advantage is you'd get it back before break and have a better handle on your grade for the course. There's no take-home essay for Beowulf so I'm toying with  the idea of letting you have til 3/13 when we have the in-class essay. That gives you more time, but might interfere with studying for Beowulf and you wouldn't have any major grades before break. Leave a comment on this post.


  1. It would be best to turn in the paper on March 2. If the due date is moved to March 13, it may interfere with the next book. Students will still be focusing on Paradise Lost. So by the time they are able to focus on the next book, they will not be able to fully understand and probably would have missed some important details. Also it would be best to get the grades back quicker. This will allow people to see where they stand and have time to fix it if need be.

  2. Personally, I would prefer to have the additional weekend to work on the paper. I have a pretty good idea of the direction I'm looking to go in with the paper, but I really don't feel ready yet to put anything down on paper.

  3. I would prefer to have that extra week...ill feel that my paper would be better than if i handed it in now
