Monday, February 2, 2009

Housekeeping - 2/2/09

Sorry about class today. My car died on the way to school.

You still have journals due.

Most people are not doing journals. That'll cost you a full letter grade at the end of the semester. If you're confused by the reading, follow the steps in the handout. If you're still confused describe where you get confused, why, and what you did about it.

Paraphrasing the reading is fine for the journal, but if that's all you do you'll get no better than a D on the essay. That's part of the reason for the close reading EC paragraphs. Also, you need to draw in the supplemental readings. That's also a requirement for the essay.

The journals suggest a problem. Another suggestion of a problem is the number of times I ask if students are unclear about something I've explained and written on the board and get no response, only to have that exact issue raised a few minutes later. This could be connected to lack of attention or embarrassment about asking a question. Both possibilities are worrisome.

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