Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Timaeus Themes/Paradise Lost

A number of themes connect Timaeus and PL.

1. Both address the creation of the world.
2. Both assume a creator god.
     Milton's God is omnipotent, but Plato's demiurge is limited.
3. Both creators make subordinate godlike beings.
    Milton's God makes immortal angels and humans.
    Plato's demiurge makes mortal gods.
4. Both creators intend good for their creations.
5. Milton's God makes a world that is pure matter.
   Plato's demiurge makes a world with a soul that is a god.
6. Both describe how women are made from men.
    Milton's God makes Eve from Adam's rib. She is subordinate to him.
    To Plato, women result from cowardly weak men losing their original sex. Women are subordinate to men.

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