Friday, March 27, 2009

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God/The Grand Inquisitor

We didn't get a chance to go over these texts in class. Sinners ... is pretty straightforward. Edwards sees God as rightfully enraged against all humans. We all deserve hell, but some of us are predestined for heaven.

The Grand Inquisitor is much more complicated. The Inquisitor intends to put Christ to death when he returns. He believes Christ fills simple childish people with too much pride, and they must be broken so they can be properly lead by men who know the truth that Christ's message is too radical for this world. The Inquisitor holds Christ captive, but Jesus does not speak when the Inquisitor describes his view. At the conclusion of the Inquisitor's speech, Christ kisses him, and the Inquisitor quietly sets him free.

The relationship to God is really interesting. A good essay might explore to what extent humans need an intermediary to experience God, and what that role might ideally look like.

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